We were listening to Brian Kershisnik giving a lecture and he said, "If you want to be a great painter, hurry up and make your first 500 bad paintings". And I thought, "That's it!"
So my project is going to be called "500 Bad Paintings". Before I decided to do this, I was being too careful with my paintings, everything was extremely calculated and painting stopped being fun because I was afraid of making bad art. So I decided to embrace it and to be completely ok with making bad art.
<---Read this thing. So yeah, 500 paintings is a lot of paintings. It is a volume of work and lots of it is going to be bad. But in there will be some good stuff, and I can't find that good stuff without making a lot of the bad stuff. Right? So I am going to share that process with people. This is a different idea than doing a clean perfected exhibition of 15 large complete finished culminating pieces, yes? Yes it is, they will be exhibited without hierarchy and I will be sharing my journey.